Expand Your Reach With Satellite Locations

Business stability is a universal goal in today’s market as our society continues to navigate new normals and the ever-changing landscape of running a business. This is true no matter what sector you find yourself in. Taking steps towards creating a more stable operating model should be at the forefront of every business owner’s mind.

When running a medical practice, stability in your business can be tied to patient volumes and services (how busy your practice is). As an ophthalmologist, this can be directly related to your referral sources. The more sources of referrals you have, the potential for stability in your practice increases.

Have you ever considered Satellite Cataract Surgery?

Satellite Surgery programs allow you to gain referrals from OD practices in rural areas and can potentially add a healthy volume of surgery from a market that isn’t in your practice’s direct reach. But more than just a referral, satellite surgery provides significant benefits to patients, providing surgical access in their local region. Reducing travel needs for the patient can provide a higher opt-in rate for surgery, especially when considering elective surgery.

Getting started with a satellite surgery program is often the hardest part. First, you must find a location, referral sources, an OR, cataract equipment….just to name a few.

Surgical Direct makes starting a Satellite Cataract Program much easier.

1) We help you find a market

Whether or not you already have a market in mind, Surgical Direct plays an active role in helping you get connected in the region you want to be in. If you don’t have a market in mind, we may already have interested parties in areas you could consider.

2) We help connect you with referring ODs

A big piece of the Satellite Surgery puzzle is healthy referral relationships. Oftentimes, we already have connections with referring OD practices in the area that we can connect you to. If we do not have any previous connections, we will do the legwork in finding some.

3) We connect you with local OR possibilities.

Similar to referrals, we may already have a center (hospital or ASC) interested in hosting cataracts that doesn’t have a local cataract surgeon. If we don’t have pre-existing connections in the area, we will find them and connect the dots for you.

4) We outfit the OR.

Once we’ve established a location, Surgical Direct provides the latest in cataract technology for your satellite OR. This includes phaco machines, microscopes, ancillary supplies, lenses, and more. Operate with the equipment and supplies you are comfortable with no matter where you are.

5) We assist on every case.

Arriving early for surgery day with all the equipment, supplies, lenses, and backups of everything, our highly trained technicians stand ready to help surgeons and the OR alike with the in-and-out operations of the day. This includes technical support, help with turnover, supply assistance, and more.

Read more about our Mobile Cataract Service provisions here.

Our mission is to create a more seamless cataract surgery experience and open the doors to new opportunities for your practice. Location is no longer an issue. We create a pathway to help your practice become more stable.

Have questions? Click or call today to get a conversation in motion about Satellite Cataract Services with Surgical Direct.

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