Need a New Phaco?

Remove all roadblocks to a new Phaco with Mobile Cataract Outsourcing.

Operating with an old Phaco machine? 

If so, you are likely not operating as efficiently and safely as you could be. The possibility of a ‘downed’ machine on surgery day is an active concern…and so are repair costs.

If you are in need of a new Phaco machine, but are struggling with capital budgets, Surgical Direct Inc offers a Mobile Cataract Outsourcing program to resolve these issues.

A completely upgraded surgery day with Surgical Direct (New Phaco included).

Here are some common questions we hear:

1) Which machines are available in this program?

Acquire immediate access to the Alcon Centurion, B&L Stellaris, or  J&J Veritas with $0 in capital outlay. These 3 machines are the latest from the biggest cataract equipment brands in the US, each bringing ample upgrades in cutting, fluidics, and safety to every surgery.

2) My microscope is fairly old as well. What about my microscope?

We’re glad you asked. Yes, we also provide top ophthalmic microscope models like the Alcon LX3 and Zeiss OPMI Lumera  included within our program. 

3) How does pricing work?

As mentioned above, this program requires $0 in capital outlay. Our pricing is structured and billed per case after the surgery day. This ensures that you only pay for the equipment (and supplies) when you use it. Contact us directly for a deep dive into how our pricing is structured and how affordable it actually is. 

4) Do we have to store the equipment in our facility?

No, we deliver the equipment to you on the day of surgery, and our cataract specialists will set up the room for you and your staff. This includes Phaco hand-pieces and microscope handles, all dropped off in plenty of time to be sterilized before surgery. 

5) What if we operate using 2 rooms?

Not a problem! We will bring enough equipment (plus backups) for your day to operate as smoothly and safely as possible. 

6) Do we need to have our staff trained on the new equipment?

No. Accompanied with your equipment on surgery day are our highly-trained cataract specialists. Our techs deliver the equipment to your facility as well as test, prime, and troubleshoot equipment as needed. They also assist the surgeon and staff throughout the day with machine settings, turnover, and supply management. In truth, our technicians are the shining stars of our cataract program. They help make the day go smoothly and work from a team-focused mentality. 

7) What else should we know?

Along with new equipment, our program offers full support and management of cataract surgery supplies as well. This includes all ancillary supplies like blades, cannulas, viscoelastic, BSS, instrumentation, and lens consignments. Enrolling in our cataract outsourcing program allows your facility to let go of inventory heavy-lifting and lens consignment management. 

There’s so much more, but we value your time. 

If anything above has piqued your interest, let’s hop on a call! We’ll talk you through all the details of how our cataract outsourcing program works and how this program can greatly benefit surgeons and OR staff alike. Don’t wait, call us today!

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